Wednesday, April 1, 2009

IndoPak History


History of Pakistan And India ( Total Marks - 200 )
Paper I (Marks-100)
712-1857 (Excluding arrival of European nations decline and fall of Muslim Rule)
  • Arrival of the Muslims in the sub-continent, foundation of Muslim Rule - administrative system and reforms under the Sultans and the Mughals.
  • Structure of the Muslim society.
  • Industry, trade and commerce under the Muslim patronage. the Army. Financial administration, Zakat. Ushr. Kharaj etc.
  • Administration of Justice - Sufis and Ulema - the Madrassahs and Maktabs - Auqaf
  • Art and architecture. literature, sports, dress-Muslim contribution to scientific knowledge - Policy of the Muslim rules towards non-Muslims. The spirit and legacy of Muslim civilization.
Paper II (Marks-100)
Part A: 1857-1947
  1. Arrival of European nations-decline and fall of Muslim Rule, contributions of Shah Wali Ullah, Syed Ahmed Shaheed and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan towards regeneration of the Muslim - Hindu reform movements and anti-Muslim role of Hindu leaders.
  2. Constitutional reforms of the British Government and growth of the Political Parties-Indian National Congress. All India Muslim league Partition of Bengal. Simla Deputation. Role of Nawab Mohsin-uI-MuIk. Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk.
  3. Syed Ameer Ali, the Agha Khan and other Muslim leaders Lucknow pact: Khilafat movement Contribution of Maulana Muhammad Ali, Allama Iqbal, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad All Jinnah for Muslim uplift and welfare.
  4. Nehru report, Quaid-i-Azam's Fourteen Points. Allama Iqbal's Allahabad Address 1930, Round Table Conference. The Congress role in the provinces, Lahore Resolution 1940, various missions and plans for the partition of the sub-continent.
  5. Quaid-i-Azam as an organizer of the Muslim League Muslim leader and maker of Pakistan.
Part B
  • Constitution making in Pakistan-various attempts at constitution making. Difficulties in establishing a parliamentary democracy. imposition of various Martial Laws, nature of Pakistan's economy. development plaits. Role of foreign aid.
  • Separation of East Pakistan, causes and effect: Pakistan and the world-major powers, Islamic world, relations with India.
  • Social and intellectual trends after 1947. Contribution of Quaid-i Azam as First Governor General and Liaquat All Khan as first Prime Minister.
Suggested Readings
1.Constitutional Development in PakistanG.W. Choudhry
2.Constitutional History of IndiaKeith A.B.
3.Early India & PakistanWheeler Mortimer
4.Five Thousand Years of PakistanWheeler R.E.M.
5.Government and Politics in PakistanAhmed Mushtaq
6.Pakistan & IndiaG.W. Choudhry
7.Political System in PakistanKhalid Bin Saeed
8.Pakistan; The Formitive PhaseKhalid Bin Saeed
9.Studies in Islamic Culture in Indian EnvironmentAziz Ahmed
10.The Making of PakistanRichard Symond
11.Political Parties in Pakistan Vol. I & IIAfzal, Rafique
12.The Great Divide; Britain, India and PakistanHodson, H.V.
13.The Pakistan Experience - State and ReligionKhan, Asghar
14.A History of IndiaKulke, Hermann & Rothermond, Dietmar
15.Pakistan in TransitionWriggins, W.H. (ed)



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