Sunday, February 20, 2011

Petition seeks ISI probe against Davis-Pakistan

An application filed in a Pakistani court has sought a probe by the Inter-Services Intelligence agency against US official Raymond Davis, arrested last month for shooting and killing two men. The application filed in the Lahore High Court on Saturday by lawyer Rana Ilamuddin Ghazi was clubbed with a petition asking the court to direct authorities to submit all records related to Davis.

Ghazi also claimed that Davis was spending his days in detention as a "guest" because two barracks equipped with special facilities had been set aside for him in Kot Lakhpat Jail.

He claimed the prison was located far from Lahore and this could help Davis in "fleeing from the jail".

He alleged that the US wanted his early release as it feared he would reveal secrets about their missions in Pakistan and drone attacks.

Ghazi further claimed that the US could launch an operation to release Davis as there were several instances when America took such action against the "sovereignty of different countries".

The US could try to forcefully get him released or kill him.

He contended that it was necessary to hand over Davis to the ISI so that no one could kidnap him.

He also asked the court to pass orders to shift Davis from Kot Lakhpat Jail to Lahore Fort.

Another application filed in the Lahore High Court asked it to direct authorities to submit all certified copies of diplomatic records regarding Davis.

The application was filed by lawyer Iqbal Jafree in a pending case asking the court to direct the government not to hand over Davis to the US.

Though the High Court had restrained the government from shifting Davis out of its jurisdiction, efforts were underway to "frustrate the order of the court by manipulation and tampering of records," Jafree claimed.

By Hindustan times

`Complicated` ties-Pakistan

THE testimony of two American security chiefs before a Senate committee epitomises the `complicated relationship` that characterises Islamabad`s ties with Washington. While they admitted that, thanks to Pakistan, Al Qaeda was at its weakest since 9/11, both CIA chief Leon Panetta and counter-terrorism chairman Michael Leiter orchestrated the decade-old `do more` mantra but admitted that Pakistan had its way of looking at things. Said Mr Panetta: “They look at issues related to their national interest and take steps that complicate the relationship.” What else does the CIA chief expect Pakistan to do except to look at all issues from the point of view of its own interests? Surely America too looks — as it must — at all international questions from its own perspective. That`s why governments interact to decide whether or not there is a commonality of interest to bring them together.
There is a lot at stake for both Pakistan and America in whatever has been going on in the region and beyond since 9/11. One fact should overshadow all other considerations: no country has suffered more civilian and military casualties than Pakistan at the hands of a common enemy — terrorists of all hues. The sites bombed by the Taliban grouping include not only Pakistani mosques and shrines but also premises universally regarded as sacrosanct — hospitals and schools. Some American diplomats — among them the late Richard Holbrooke — never hesitated to admit the trauma Pakistan has suffered because of its commitment to the war on terror.
The two security chiefs` comments and Senator Dianne Feinstein`s bit about “both sides of the street” come four months ahead of the beginning of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. Some concerns are valid because of Pakistan`s reluctance to go for an all-out military operation in North Waziristan seen as one of the biggest havens for local and foreign militants. However, surely, the Obama administration`s Afghan policy has more than America`s national interests dear to it. With voters having already handed over the lower house to the Republicans in the mid-term election, the least the Democratic Party can do for the 2012 presidential election is to minimise casualties, regional states` interest being of less consequence. Besides, while America sees reluctance on Islamabad`s part to `do more`, it has entered into a dialogue with militant groups to cover its retreat. If common interests brought Pakistan and America together, let Washington ensure that the long-term ties it has pledged do not fall victim to passing irritants as the Raymond Davis affair or its view of the ISI`s purported walk on “both sides”. The hazards of the future should serve to cement their relationship.
By Dawn News

Political `patch-up`-Pakistan

IN the hurly-burly of Pakistani politics, anything is possible. Perhaps that is why the smiles, rousing slogans and pledges of cooperation witnessed at the MQM`s headquarters on Friday to mark the visit of a high-powered PPP delegation did not surprise many. It was as though the acrimoniousness that has marked relations between the two parties over the past few months — which at times translated into street violence — was merely a misunderstanding. The Sindh chief minister, accompanied by the federal interior minister, led the PPP side in the visit to Nine Zero, as the MQM headquarters are known. Yet it was Sindh Home Minister Dr Zulfikar Mirza`s presence in the delegation that caught many political observers by surprise. He is not exactly known for couching criticism of coalition partners in diplomatic language, and his statements in the past have elicited equally vitriolic responses from the MQM.
It is not clear what has brought about the rapprochement between the estranged allies. The more cynical amongst us would say that it is part of the same political gamesmanship witnessed countless times before, necessitated by self-preservation. More optimistic observers would suggest that it is a sign of maturity and political pragmatism. Dialogue is always better than the politics of the gun and Karachi has witnessed too much violence over the past few months for the city`s political stakeholders to continue harbouring grudges. Along with being a harbinger of peace in the city, the thaw in relations should also hopefully lead to better governance in Sindh and perhaps even the MQM`s return to the federal cabinet. Let us also hope this new understanding is not at the cost of the PPP-PML-N negotiations to evolve consensus on economic issues.
Though officially there is no word on what really brought the two parties together, some reports in the media suggest disturbingly that the patch-up is the result of a `secret agreement` between the PPP and MQM to not prosecute suspects with political links in anti-terrorism courts. If this is the case and an agreement has been reached just to save supporters from prosecution, it is indefensible. Political parties should help strengthen the rule of law by allowing those suspected of being involved in `targeted killings` and other acts of violence to clear their names in court without applying pressure or entering underhanded deals. Targeted killings have claimed far too many victims in the metropolis and those involved in these brutal acts must be brought to justice. We must hope that this is not the case and both parties have reached a genuine agreement to bury the hatchet and work for better governance. That would deserve welcome as it would help bring peace to Karachi and strengthen the democratic process.

Obama’s FY 2012 Budget Is A Tool Of Class War-World

By: Paul Craig Roberts

February 18, 2011 "Information Clearing House" ---- Obama’s new budget is a continuation of Wall Street’s class war against the poor and middle class. Wall Street wasn’t through with us when the banksters sold their fraudulent derivatives into our pension funds, wrecked Americans’ job prospects and retirement plans, secured a $700 billion bailout at taxpayers’ expense while foreclosing on the homes of millions of Americans, and loaded up the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet with several trillion dollars of junk financial paper in exchange for newly created money to shore up the banks’ balance sheets. The effect of the Federal Reserve’s “quantitative easing” on inflation, interest rates, and the dollar’s foreign exchange value are yet to hit. When they do, Americans will get a lesson in poverty.

Now the ruling oligarchies have struck again, this time through the federal budget. The U.S. government has a huge military/security budget. It is as large as the budgets of the rest of the world combined.The Pentagon, CIA, and Homeland Security budgets account for the $1.1 trillion federal deficit that the Obama administration forecasts for fiscal year 2012. This massive deficit spending serves only one purpose--the enrichment of the private companies that serve the military/security complex. These companies, along with those on Wall Street, are who elect the U.S. government.

The U.S. has no enemies except those that the U.S. creates by bombing and invading other countries and by overthrowing foreign leaders and installing American puppets in their place.

China does not conduct naval exercises off the California coast, but the U.S. conducts war games in the China Sea off China’s coast. Russia does not mass troops on Europe’s borders, but the U.S. places missiles on Russia’s borders. The U.S. is determined to create as many enemies as possible in order to continue its bleeding of the American population to feed the ravenous military/security complex.

The U.S. government actually spends $56 billion a year, that is, $56,000 million, in order that American air travelers can be porno-scanned and sexually groped so that firms represented by former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff can make large profits selling the scanning equipment.

With a perpetual budget deficit driven by the military/security complex’s desire for profits, the real cause of America’s enormous budget deficit is off-limits for discussion. The U.S. Secretary of War-Mongering, Robert Gates, declared: “We shrink from our global security responsibilities at our peril.” The military brass warns of cutting any of the billions of aid to Israel and Egypt, two functionaries for its Middle East “policy.”

But what are “our” global security responsibilities? Where did they come from? Why would America be at peril if America stopped bombing and invading other countries and interfering in their internal affairs? The perils America faces are all self-created.

The answer to this question used to be that otherwise we would be murdered in our beds by “the worldwide communist conspiracy.” Today the answer is that we will be murdered in our airplanes, train stations, and shopping centers by “Muslim terrorists” and by a newly created imaginary threat--”domestic extremists,” that is, war protesters and environmentalists.

The U.S. military/security complex is capable of creating any number of false flag events in order to make these threats seem real to a public whose intelligence is limited to TV, shopping mall experiences, and football games.

So Americans are stuck with enormous budget deficits that the Federal Reserve must finance by printing new money, money that sooner or later will destroy the purchasing power of the dollar and its role as world reserve currency. When the dollar goes, American power goes. 

For the ruling oligarchies, the question is: how to save their power.

Their answer is: make the people pay.

And that is what their latest puppet, President Obama, is doing.

With the U.S. in the worst recession since the Great Depression, a great recession that John Williams and Gerald Celente, along with myself, have said is deepening, the “Obama budget” takes aim at support programs for the poor and out-of-work. The American elites are transforming themselves into idiots as they seek to replicate in America the conditions that have led to the overthrows of similarly corrupt elites in Tunisia and Egypt and mounting challenges to U.S. puppet governments elsewhere.
All we need is a few million more Americans with nothing to lose in order to bring the disturbances in the Middle East home to America.

With the U.S. military bogged down in wars abroad, an American revolution would have the best chance of success.

American politicians have to fund Israel as the money returns in campaign contributions. The U.S. government must fund the Egyptian military if there is to be any hope of turning the next Egyptian government into another American puppet that will serve Israel by continuing the blockade of the Palestinians herded into the Gaza ghetto.

These goals are far more important to the American elite than Pell Grants that enable poor Americans to obtain an education, or clean water, or community block grants, or the low income energy assistance program (cut by the amount that U.S. taxpayers are forced to give to Israel).

There are also $7,700 million of cuts in Medicaid and other health programs over the next five years.

Given the magnitude of the U.S. budget deficit, these sums are a pittance. The cuts will have no effect on U.S. Treasury financing needs. They will put no brakes on the Federal Reserve’s need to print money in order to keep the U.S. government in operation.

These cuts serve one purpose: to further the Republican Party’s myth that America is in economic trouble because of the poor: The poor are shiftless. They won’t work. The only reason unemployment is high is that the poor would rather be on welfare.

A new addition to the welfare myth is that recent middle class college graduates won’t take the jobs offered them, because their parents have too much money, and the kids like living at home without having to do anything. A spoiled generation, they come out of university refusing any job that doesn’t start out as CEO of a Fortune 500 company. The reason that engineering graduates do not get job interviews is that they do not want them.

What all this leads to is an assault on “entitlements”, which means Social Security and Medicare. The elites have programmed, through their control of the media, a large part of the population, especially those who think of themselves as conservatives, to conflate “entitlements” with welfare. America is going to hell not because of foreign wars that serve no American purpose, but because people, who have paid 15% of their payroll all their lives for old age pensions and medical care, want “handouts” in their retirement years. Why do these selfish people think that working Americans should be forced through payroll taxes to pay for the pensions and medical care of the retirees? Why didn’t the retirees consume less and prepare for their own retirement?

The elite’s line, and that of their hired spokespersons in “think tanks” and universities, is that America is in trouble because of its retirees.

Too many Americans have been brainwashed to believe that America is in trouble because of its poor and its retirees. America is in trouble because it coerces a dwindling number of taxpayers to support the military/security complex’s enormous profits, American puppet governments abroad, and Israel.

The American elite’s solution for America’s problems is not merely to foreclose on the homes of Americans whose jobs were sent offshore, but to add to the numbers of distressed Americans with nothing to lose, the sick and the dispossessed retirees, and the university graduates who cannot find jobs that have been sent to Chine and India.

Of all the countries in the world, none need a revolution as bad as the United States, a country ruled by a handful of selfish oligarchs who have more income and wealth than can be spent in a lifetime.


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