Friday, June 25, 2010

Editoral-OHER VOICES - Pushto Press Peace in Balochistan

BALOCHISTAN Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani has reiterated that no military operation was under way in the province and that the law and order situation was better as compared to other places. Talking to media personnel, he said the Balochistan package had created employment opportunities … and the provincial budget was people-friendly. The chief minister said the government was planning to develop new roads and hospitals … [and] advised youngsters to avail job opportunities in the Frontier Constabulary and Pakistan Army. He advised youngsters to throw away weapons and try solving their problems with the power of democracy.

…[In fact] the law and order situation has deteriorated…. Thousands of Baloch are missing. …The government should hold talks with Baloch nationalists and try to resolve issues with them. …The maintenance of peace should be the ultimate goal of the present government…. — (June 21)

Illegitimate interference

…THE future of the US mission in war-torn Afghanistan is in a shambles and … countries are refusing to end their proxy wars on Afghan soil. The Afghan foreign affairs ministry has now accused the Iranian government of interfering in Afghanistan’s internal affairs. The International Security Assistance Force spokesman in Afghanistan … also said the same. According to the ISAF spokesman there is evidence that Iran is supplying money and ammunition to government opposition forces inside Afghanistan.

…[S]ome Afghan parliamentarians also claim to have evidence that Iran supplies arms to Afghan insurgents in coordination with its intelligence agency. Ahmed Waheed Tahiri, an Afghan MP, claimed … that Iran has transported 800 kg of explosives, 1,000 heavy weapons and some other light weapons to Afghanistan in the last two weeks. …All regional countries should help the Afghan government restore peace … — (June 23)


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