Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Quit if you can’t do it’: Adviser faces hard time in NA

ISLAMABAD, June 28: Prime Minister’s Adviser on Political Affairs Nawabzada Ghazanfar Gul faced a chilling advice from the chair in the National Assembly on Monday: “quit the job if you can’t do it”.

The advice came from Deputy Speaker Faisal Karim Kundi when the adviser failed to give satisfactory replies to a number of questions from members during the question hour.

The adviser was responding to supplementary questions on behalf of the minister in-charge of the cabinet division, Babar Awan, who was not present in the house.

Opposition members belonging to the PML-N and PML-Q took Mr Gul to task when he failed to satisfy them on a number of issues. The adviser then invited the ire of the chair when he said the two questions actually related to another ministry, suggesting that the house secretariat should have directed the queries to the right quarters.

But the deputy speaker said it was the responsibility of the adviser to send the queries to the ministries concerned, and not the National Assembly Secretariat’s. Mr Kundi advised the elderly adviser to quit the job if he was unable to do it. At this point, PPP stalwart and Federal Minister for Labour Khursheed Shah came to the rescue of Mr Gul and asked the deputy speaker to defer the questions to the next session.


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