Tuesday, February 15, 2011


When the music and the characters are flawlessly synchronized, the opera develops an emotional force that movies and plays cannot match.
Bruce Beresford 

Where Joe was more vocal and emotional whereas Chuck was very reserved. But, both of them executed great strategy and both of them demanded a lot of their players.
Franco Harris 

Whether we like it or not, men and women are not the same in nature, temperament, emotions and emotional responses.
Paul Getty 

While they would have provided financial support if I had needed it, the greatest support my parents gave was emotional, psychological.
Judd Nelson 

Why are empirical questions about how the mind works so weighted down with political and moral and emotional baggage?
Steven Pinker 

Yes, but Hollywood is the strangest place in that they'll torpedo their own film to prove an emotional point.
Richard Linklater 

You can go crazy and play solos in the right place, and that's great because it can intensify and bring an emotional lift. But the thing is you don't want to get in the way of the song.
Benmont Tench 

You can have financial strength, professional strength, emotional strength but for me without spiritual strength none of the rest of it matters.
Star Jones 

You could write a song about some kind of emotional problem you are having, but it would not be a good song, in my eyes, until it went through a period of sensitivity to a moment of clarity. Without that moment of clarity to contribute to the song, it's just complaining.
Joni Mitchell 

You have to follow every melodic line, every emotional idea, or you don't get your money's worth.
Kristin Hersh 

You know the first time I sat in the chair I felt anything but up, it was very emotional for me. I had a chair in my hotel room, a chair at rehearsal, and I was trying to spend as much time as I could in the chair.
Gregory Hines 

You know, comedy's hard. With drama, you have a responsibility to the emotional truth, but with comedy, you have emotional truth and you have technique on top of it.
Julianne Moore 

You know, I've sung a lot of emotional songs in my life, but when you're writing it yourself, it's very difficult to decide what to reveal.
Diana Krall 

You should hurry up and acquire the cigar habit. It's one of the major happinesses. And so much more lasting than love, so much less costly in emotional wear and tear.
Aldous Huxley 

You're over there in the corner either thinking about the dead dog or whatever, you're bringing up your personal life and you need the space, and then somebody throws you a joke. Especially if it's an emotional scene, you don't want the joke.
Marcia Gay Harden 

Your emotional life is not written in cement during childhood. You write each chapter as you go along.
Harry Stack Sullivan 

Your political reputation affects how likely allies are to trust you, and what kind of deals they'll offer at the negotiating table. There's also some emotional response in there, so factions do bear grudges. Just like the real thing.
Mike Simpson


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