Saturday, March 28, 2009

Statistics Syllabus


Statistics ( Total Marks - 100 )
  1. Basic Probability Axiomatic definition of probability, random variable, distribution function, probability density function, mathematical expectation; conditional probability, jointly distributed random variables, marginal and conditional distributions, conditional expectation, stochastic independence.
  2. Some Special Distributions : Binomial, poisson. negative binomial, hypergeometric, normal distributions with their derivation of their mean and variance; Definition and Application of chisquare, "T" and 'F' distributions.
  3. Statistical Inference: Maximum likelihood estimation of the mean and the variance of a normal population; confidence interval for mean, difference of means and for variance: testing hypothesis for the equality of two means (paired and unpaired observations); testing of equality of sever al means (ANOVA) and testing of variance and equality of two variance.
  4. Correlation and regression: Simple linear regression model point and interval estimation of parameters, Simple Partial, Multiple Correlation and testing of these correlations.
  5. Sampling, Simple random, stratified, systematic and cluster sampling, estimates of mean and total and their precision.
  6. Applications of Statistics in social, economic and political problems public health, crimes, Law, social innovations economic development, socio-political inequality.
Suggested Readings
1.Introduction to the Theory of StatisticsMood, Graybill and Boes
2.Mathematical StatisticsFreund
3.Mathematical StatisticsHood and Craig
4.Sampling Techniques (3e)Cochran and Cox
5.Statistics: An Introductory AnalysisYamane
6.Statistics: A Guide to the UnknownTanur; Hudith (ed)


Computer Science Syllabus


Computer Science ( Total Marks - 100 )
Candidates will be asked to attempt total five questions including one compulsory objective type question. They will attempt atleast one question from each section. Each question will carry 20 marks.
Section A
  • Computer Architecture
    Introduction to modern machine Architecture, Storage Hierarchy Main/ Virtual/ Cache/ Secondary Memory, CPU, ALU, Peripheral communication, Designing of Instruction set, Stored program concept. Introduction to parallel computing; SIMD/MIMD.
  • Operating System
    Functions/Types of operating systems, Processes, Interprocess Communication/ Synchronization/Co-ordination, Process Scheduling Policies, Virtual Memory Management Techniques: Paging/Segmentation, File Management Systems.
  • Computer Networks
    LAN/WAN/MAN, Communication channels, Internetworking, Internet, Network layer structure, ISO Internet Protocol, OSI/TCP/IP reference model.
Section B
  • Structured and Object Oriented Programming
    Basics of C/C++ environment, memory concepts. operators, control structures, selection structures, Array & functions/methods, classes & data Abstractions, inheritance and polymorphism.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
    Pseudo language, Functions, Iteration, Recursion, Time/Complexity Analysis, Stacks Queue, hashing. linked list, Searching; Sequential. Binary, Soiling Algorithms, Graphs Algorithms, Tree Algorithms, Trees, ADTs, Implementation using Structured/object oriented languages.
  • Software Engineering
    Introduction to Software Engineering, Software life cycle, Software Design Methodologies: Structured/Object oriented, Software documentation and Management, Introduction to CASE tools. SECTION - C Data Base Management Data Models, E-R Models, Relational Database concepts, SQL, Normalization, Database Design. Web Programming HTML, CGI, PERL, JAVA: Applet/Script, WWW, Web based unit face Design. Computer Graphics Fundamentals of input, display and hard copy devices, scan conversion of geometric primitives. 2D and 3D geometric transformations, clipping and windowing, scene modeling and animation, algorithms for visible and surface determination.
Suggested Readings
1.Computer Concepts, 3rd Edition, ITP, 1998J.J. Parsond & D. Oja
2.Mathematical Structures for Computer Science, Freeman & CompanyG.L. Gersting
3.JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 2/e, O'Reilly, 1997D. Flanagan
4.The HTML Sourcebook, Wiley, 1996I.S. Graham
5.Computer Science: An overview, 6/e, Addison-Wesley, 1998J.G. Brookshear
6.Java: An Object First Approach, Addison-Wesley, 1998F. Culwin
7.Web Page Scripting Techniques, Hayden Books, 1996J. Bloomberg, J. Kawaski J. and P. Treffers
8.Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance; 4/e, Prentice-Hall 1997W. Stallings
9.The Art of Computer Programming, Addison-Wesley;Vol. 1 Fundamental Algorithms, 3/e, 1997 Vol. 3 Sorting and Searching, 2/e, 1998D.E. Knuth
10.Algorithms and Data Structures, Prentice-Hall, 1985N. Wirth
11.Introduction to Database Systems, 6/e, Addison-Wesley 1996C.J. Date
12.Software Engineering, 6/e 1998Ian Sommerville
13.Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach 4/e, McGraw-Hill, 1997R. Pressman
14.Computer Networks, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1996S. Tanenbaum
15.Operating System Concepts, 4/e, Addison Wesley, 1996Silberschatz & J. Peterson
16.Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 2/e, Addison-Wesley 1996Foly/Van Dam/ Feiner/Hughes
17.Computer Networks and Internet, Prentice-Hall, 1998D.E. Comer
18.C++: How to Program, Prentice-Hall, 1998H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel
19.Database Processing, Fundamentals, Design Implementation; 4th edition, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York 1993David M. Kropnke
20.Data and Computer Communication, 5th Edition, Prentice-Hall International, 1997W. Stallings


Applied Mathematics Syllabus


Applied Mathematics ( Total Marks - 200 )
Paper I ( Marks - 100 )
Candidates will be asked to attempt any two questions from Section A and any three questions from Section B.
Section A
  • Vector Analysis
    Vector algebra, scalar and vector product of two or more vectors, Function of a scalar variable, Gradient, divergence and curl, Expansion formulae, curvilinear coordinates, Expansions for gradient, divergence and curl in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, Line, surface and volume integrals, Green's, Stoke's and Gauss's theorms
  • Statics
    Composition and resolution of forces, Parallel forces, and couples, Equilibrium of a system of coplanar forces, Centre of mass and centre of gravity of a system of particles and rigid bodies, Friction, Principle of virtual work and its applications, equilibrium of forces in three dimensions.
Section B
  • Dynamics
    Tangential, normal, radial and transverse components of velocity and acceleration, Rectilinear motion with constant and variable acceleration, Simple harmonic motion, Work, Power and Energy, Conservative forces and principles of energy, Principles of linear and angular momentum, Motion of a projectile, Ranges on horizontal and inclined planes, Parabola of' safety. Motion under central forces, Apse and apsidal distances, Planetary orbits, Kepler's laws, Moments and products of inertia of particles and rigid bodies, Kinetic energy and angular momentum of a rigid body, Motion of rigid bodies, Compound pendulum, Impulsive motion, collision of two spheres and coefficient of restitution.
Paper II ( Marks - 100 )
Candidates will be asked to attempt any two questions from Section A. one question from Section B and two questions from Section C.
Section A
  • Differential Equations 
    Linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients, the power series method. Formation of partial differential equations. Types of integrals of partial differential equations. Partial differential equations of first order Partial differential equations with constant coefficients. Monge's method. Classification of partial differential equations of second order, Laplace's equation and its boundary value problems. Standard solutions of wave equation and equation of heat induction.
Section B
  • Tensor
    Definition of tensors as invariant quantities. Coordinate transformations. Contravariant and covariant laws of transformation of the components of tensors. Addition and multiplication of tensors, Contraction and inner product of tensors The Kronecker delta and Levi-Civita symbol. The metric tensor in Cartesian, polar and other coordinates, covariant derivatives and the Christoffel symbols. The gradient. divergence and curl operators in tensor notation.
Section C
  • Elements of Numerical Analysis
    Solution of non-linear equations, Use of x = g (x) form, Newton Raphson method, Solution of system of linear equations, Jacobi and Gauss Seidel Method, Numerical Integration, Trapezoidal and Simpson's rule. Regula falsi and interactive method for solving non-linear equation with convergence. Linear and Lagrange interpolation. Graphical solution of linear programming problems.
Suggested Readings
1.Classical MechanicsGoldstein
2.Lactures on Ordinary Differential EquationsHille, E.
3.Lectures on Partial Differential EquationsPetrovosky, I.G.
4.MechanicsSymon, G.F.
5.MechanicsGhori, Q. K.
6.Mathematical Pyysics, An Advanced CourseMikhin, S.G.
7.Ordinary Differential EquationsEasthan, M.S.P.
8.Principles of MechanicsSynge and Griffith
9.Principles of MechanicsHauser
10.Partial Differential EquationsSneddon, I.N.
11.Theoratical MechanicsBeckker
12.Theoratical MechanicsBradsbury
13.Theory of Ordinary Differential EquationsGoddirgton, E.A. and N. Livenision
14.Vector and Tensor Methods, Cartesian TensorsCharlton Jeffreya


Pure Mathematics Syllabus


Pure Mathematics ( Total Marks - 200 )
Paper I ( Total Marks - 100 )
  • Candidates will he asked to attempt three questions from Section A and two questions from section B.
Section A
Modern Algebra
  • Groups, subgroups, Languages Theorem, cyclic groups, normal sub groups, quotient groups, Fundamental theorem of homomorphism, Isomorphism theorems of groups, Inner automorphisms, Conjugate elements, conjugate subgroups, Commutator subgroups.
  • Rings, Subrings, Integral domains, Quotient fields, Isomorphism theorems, Field extension and finite fields.
  • Vector spaces, Linear independence, Bases, Dimension of a finitely generated space, Linear transformations, Matrices and their algebra, Reduction of matrices to their echelon form, Rank and nullity of a linear transformation.
  • Solution of a system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations, Properties of determinants, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Reduction to canonical forms, specially diagonalisation.
Section B
  • Conic sections in Cartesian coordinates, Plane polar coordinates and their use to represent the straight line and conic sections, (artesian and spherical polar coordinates in three dimensions, The plane, the sphere, the ellipsoid, the paraboloid and the hyperbiloid in Cartesian and spherical polar coordinates.
  • Vector equations for Plane and for space-curves. The arc length. The osculating plane. The tangent, normal and binormal, Curvature and torsion, Serre-Frenet's formulae, Vector equations for surfaces, The first and second fundamental forms, Normal, principal, Gaussian and mean curvatures,
Paper II ( Total Marks - 100 )
Candidates will be asked to attempt any three questions from Section A and two questions from Section B.
Section A
Calculus and Real Analysis
  • Real Numbers, Limits, Continuity, Differentiabiliry, Indefinite integration, Mean value theorems, Taylor's theorem, Indeterminate forms, Asymptotes. Curve tracing, Definite integrals, Functions of several variables, Partial derivatives. Maxima and minima Jacobians, Double and triple integration (techniques only). Applications of Beta and Gamma func tions. Areas and Volumes. Riemann-Stieltje's integral, Improper integrals and their conditions of existences, Implicit function theorem, Absolute and conditional convergence of series of real terms, Rearrangement of series, Uniform convergence of series,
  • Metric spaces, Open and closed spheres, Closure, Interior and Exterior of a set. Sequences in metric space, Cauchy sequence convergence of sequences, Examples, Complete metric spaces, Continuity in metric spaces, Properties of continuous functions,
Section B
Complex Analysis
Function of a complex variable: Demoiver's theorem and its applications, Analytic functions, Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, Taylor's and Laurent's series, Singularities, Cauchy residue theorem and contour integration, Fourier series and Fourier transforms, Analytic continuation.
Suggested Readings
1.Advance CalculusKaplan, W.
2.Analytical Function Theory Vol. IHille, E.
3.An Introduction to Differential GeometryWilmore, T.S.
4.Complex AnalysisGoodstein, G.R.G.
5.Calculus with Analytical GeometryYusuf, S.M.
6.Differential Geometry of Three DimensionsWeatherburn, C.E.
7.Elements of Complex AnalysisPennisi, L.L.
8.Theory of GroupsMajeed, A.
9.Mathematical MethodsYusuf, S.M.
10.Mathematical AnalysisApostal, T.M.
11.Principles of Mathematical AnalysisRudin, W.
12.The Theory of GroupsMacdonald, I.N.
13.Topics in AlgebraHerstein, I.N.


Journalism Syllabus


Journalism (Mass Communication) ( Total Marks - 100 )
Note: Candidate will be asked to attempt total five questions including one compulsory (objective type) question. They will attempt at least two questions from each Section. Short note within the question (without choice) can also be given.
Section A
  • Concept and process of communication : Source, Message, Channel, Destination. Encoding, Decoding, Noise, Feedback Oral vs. Written Communication, Two step flow of Communication, Role of Opinion Leader.
  • Information and Journalism--Functions : Scanning the Horizon and reporting back.
    1. News function
    2. Educational Function
    3. Opinion for motives
    4. Entertainment function
  • Pakistan Press, An overview of the evolution of the Muslim Press in South Asia before 1947 and development of the Pakistan Press since 1947, its social economic aspect; Trends and Characteristics: Problems and Prospects.
  • Mass Media Components, functions and effects, Mass Media in Pakistan: Size and dispersion: Role in national development, Prospects and problems.
Section B
  • News. Principles and techniques of News writing. Editorial Definition, ingredients, Types and functions of writing of Editorials.
  • Public Relations : Definition, Purpose and scope, Ethics, PR in Pakistan Duties of PRO: PR Procedures and Processes.
  • Magazine Journalism: Mag-Journalism in Pakistan. Types, Functioning Purpose its social aspects and scope.
  • Press Release, Press Note, and Press Communication: Definitions and Basic ingredients, Writing of Press Release, Press Note and Press Communique.
  • Advertising: Definition, functions, types and purpose. Its social and economic aspects, principles of successful advertising.
  • Press Laws: Press Laws in Pakistan (gradual developments) and the Right to Know concepts of press freedom and responsibility, Ethics of Journalism.
Suggested Readings
1.Advertising Operations and ManagementBeinton
2.Contemporary Public RelationsGarkan Gene & Scott
3.Communication in PowerHerbert Brucver
4.Exploring JournalismWosley and Campbell
5.Editor and Editorial WritingA Gayle Waldrop
6.Handbook of Public RelationsStephenson, Howard
7.Journalism in PakistanDr. Abdus Salam Khurshid
8.Mass CommunicationWilbur Schram
9.Newspaper Organization and ManagementRucker
10.Practical Newspaper ReportingGeofrey Haris & David Spark
11.Process and Effects of Mass CommunicationWilbur Schram
12.Radio & T.V. WritingMax Wylic
13.Iblagh-e-Aama (Urdu)Mehdi Hassan
14.Sahafat Pakistan-o-Hind Mein (Urdu)Dr. Abdus Salam Khurshid
15.Fun-e-Idarat (Urdu)Dr. Maskin Ali Hijazi
16.Fun-e-Sahafat (Urdu)Dr. Abdus Salam Khurshid
17.Fun-e-Idaria Naweesi (Urdu)Dr. Maskin Ali Hijazi


Socialogy Syllabus


Sociology ( Total Marks - 100 )
  1. Individual, Culture and Society : Individual as a social product. The variety of social forms. Methods of socialization, Ethnocentricism, Norms and Values, Cultural Patterns, Varieties of sub-cultures.
  2. Sociological Theory : The sociological perspectives- Evolutionary, order and conflict, Evolutionary Theorists : Ibn-i-Khaldun Spencer and Tannis, Order Theorists: August Comte, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Conflict Theorists : George Hegel. Karl Mars. Lewis Coser, Mills.
  3. Methods of Sociological Research: Research Design, Surveys, Participant Observation. Experiments, Case Studies.
  4. Social Interaction : Significance of social classes. Forms of social classes-Tribes. Biradaris, Castes, Classes and Feudal system in Pakistan. Social Mobility-nature of social mobility. Mobility determinants in Pakistan society, Social immobility. Culture in poverty.
  5. Social Control: Mechanisms of social control-internal and external means of social control. Alienation, Integration-integrative pat terns in Pakistani Society.
  6. Social and Cultural Change and Social Policy Processes of Social and Cultural Change-discovery, invention, diffusion. Factors in the rate of social and culture change, Incentives and inhibitions to social and cultural change in Pakistan Social planning and directed social and cultural change.
  7. Community: The rural community, Traditional Characteristics of rural life, The urban community. Rural-Urban convergence, Urbanism, Future of cities in Pakistan.
  8. Social Institutions: The nature and genesis of institutions, the process of institutions, Functions and Trade of Social Institutions, Family, Religion, Educational, Economic and Political Institutions.
  9. Social Problems in Pakistan: Population Growth. Demographic Transition: Deviant Behaviour, Institutionalised evasions, social conflicts, internal and international Migration, Aging, Drug abuse, Prostitution. Smuggling, Illiteracy and Poverty.
Suggested Readings
1.Anthropology: The Study of ManAdamson Hoebel, E.
2.Pakistani SocietyAkbar Ahmed, S.
3.Contemporary Social ProblemsRobert K. Merton
4.Contemporary Sociological TheoriesPitrim Sorokin
5.Family in AsiaMan Singh Das & Pahos D. Bardis
6.Ibn-i-Khaldun: His Life and WorksM. Abdullah Enan
7.Master of Sociological ThoughtLewis A. Coser
8.Master of Sociological ThoughtM. Iqbal Chaudhry
9.SociologyOgburn & Nimkoff
10.Strategies in Social ResearchSmith, H.W.
11.Sociology; Role & RelationshipSmith, H.W.
12.Social ProblemsJon. M. Shepard & Voss
13.Social ProblemsRobert Nisbet
14.Feudal System in PakistanNawab Haider Naqvi
15.The Sociology of Rural LifeLynn Smith, T.
16.The Sociology of Social ProblemsHorton & Leslie
17.The Sociology of ReligionMax Weber


Forestry Syllabus


Forestry ( Total Marks - 100 )
  • Ecology and Gcneral Silvicullure.
  • Forest Statistics, Mensuration and Research Methods.
  • Forest Management and Economics.
  • Water Shed Management.
  • Range Management
  • Forests surveying and Engineering.
  • Forest Policy, Law and Protection.
  • Forest Biology, Wildlife and Natural Park Management.
Suggested Readings
1.Manual of Silviculture for PakistanChampion. Seth & Khattak, G.M.
2.Forest Types of PakistanChampion. Seth & Khattak, G.M.
3.Principles of SilvicultureDaniel. T.W. Helms & Baker
4.Plant & EnvironmentDaubenmire, R.
5.Elementary Forest MensurationJerram. M.R.K.
6.Natural Resources MeasurementAvery. T.E.
7.Forest ManagementKhattak. G.M.
8.Fundamental of Forestry EconomicsDuerr. WA.
9.Surveying and LevellingKanetkar, T.P. and Kulkarni
10.Rasul Manual for Subordinate Engineers, Surveying Part-IAnon
11.Material of ConstructionSyed. Z.H,
12.Forest Engineering (Roads & Bridges)Hanison. J. L.
13.The Pakistan Forest Act, 1927 
14.Principles of Forest PolicyWorrell
15.Forest ProtectionHawley & Stickle
16.Forests & Forestry in PakistanSheikh, M. I. & Hafeez. M.
17.Range ManagementStoodart. Smith and Box
18.Vegetation & Watershed ManagementColinan. E.A.


Agriculture Syllabus


Agriculture ( Total Marks - 100 )
  1. Natural Resources (Land, Water, Biological. Environmental. Solar and energy) as bases for agricultural production. Agriculture as integrated system of components like Crops, Livestock, Fisheries, Forestry. Range Management. Socio-economics etc. Role of research and newer technologies in current and future agriculture in Pakistan.
  2. Elements of climate and their relationship with crop growth. Factors of soil, Soil formation and development of soil profile, Soil texture and structure and their management, Soil fertility and fertilizer requirement of various soils and crops, Role of organic matter in soil Water requirements' of crops and water use efficiency. Cropping pattern and crop relations. Systems and types of farming; Nature, formation and reclamation of salt affected and water-logged soil, Soil erosion and conservation.
  3. Physiology of Growth and development, growth curves, growth regions, RGR, NAR and LAR in relation to biomass production. Seed growth and assimilate partitioning, Harvest index. Photoperiodic and thermoperiodic responses of crop plants, photorespiration, Nitrogen fixation, Nitrogen cycle, factors affecting bioligical N fixation.
  4. The modern concept of genetics, gene and gene function, application of genetics for the improvement of crops.
  5. Modern concept of Horticultural industry, Plant propagation, Major management and breeding problems in fruits and vegetables.
  6. Pests arid diseases of agricultural crops, Principles and methods of pest and diseases control, Pesticides-their application and action, Modern concept and principles of insect pest management.
  7. Role of agriculture in the national economy, Agricultural mechanization, Land tenure and Land reforms, Population problems of rural Pakistan, Major issues in agriculture and agricultural development in Pakistan.
Suggested Readings
1.Agriculture in India Vol. I & IIKamar, L.S.S.
2.An Introduction to Tropical AgricultureTemporary H&D Grit, H.
3.A treatile in HorticultureGilani, M.A.
4.An Introduction to Animal HusbandryKing Black Well, J.O.L
5.Breading Field CropsPoehlman
6.Disease of Field CropsDickenson, J.G.
7.Agricultural Insects, Pests of Tropics and their controlHill, S.D.
8.Forest EcologySpurr, S.H.
9.Fundamentals of Soil ScienceFoth
10.Irrigation Principles and PracticalsIsrealson, O.W.
11.Manual of Plant ProductionAbdul Manan
12.Principles of AgronomyMudliar, W.T.S.
13.Principles of Field Crop ProductionMartin J.H. & Leonard W.H.
14.Principles of GeneticsGardner, E.J.
15.Physiology of Crop PlantsGardner, Peares and Mitchal
16.The Nature and Properties of SoilBuckman, H.O. & Bready N.C.
17.Physiology of Growth and DevelopmentWillking
18.Plant PathologyAgrioes, G.N.


Political Sciences Syllabus


Political Science ( Total Marks - 200 )
Paper I ( Marks-100 )
Part 'A'
Political Theory
  1. Western Political Thought
    Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Bentham, Mill, Marx, Lenin, Mao
  2. Muslim Political Thought
    AI-Farabi, Al-Mawardi, Nizam-ul-Mulik Tusi, Al-Ghazali, Ibn-I-Khaldun, Iqbal
Part 'B'
  1. The nature and emergence of Modern state system, Islamic concept of state.
  2. Political concepts, Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Equality, Rights and Duties.
  3. Political Dynamics: Public Opinion, Propaganda, Political Parties, Pressure Groups.
  4. Political Institutions: Legislature, Executive, Judiciary. Political Elites, Civil and Military Bureaucracy.
  5. Forms of Government: Monarchy, Democracy. Dictatorship Unitary and Federal, Presidential and Parliamentary.
  6. Totalitarianism: Fascism, Communism.
  7. Local Self-government: Theory and Practice with special reference to Pakistan.
Paper II (Marks - 100)
Part 'A'
  • Selected Political Systems: Nature and dynamics of major political institutions in U.S.A., U.K., France and Former Soviet Union,
Part 'B'
  • Political Systems of developing countries: Turkey, Iran, India and China.
  • Rise of Muslim Nationalism in South Asia with special reference to the role of Sir Syed Abmed Khan, lqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
  • A comparative and critical analysis of the 1956, 1962, 1973 and 1985 Constitutions of Pakistan.
Suggested Readings
1.History of Muslim PhilosophyM.M. Sharif
2.Constitutional Development in PakistanG.W. Choudhry
3.Comparative Politics; A World ViewAlmond & Powell
4.Contemporary Political AnalysisGarles Worth James
5.Government & Parliament: A Survey from the InsideHerbert Morrison
6.Government and Politics in PakistanMushtaq Ahmed
7.History of Political TheoryGeorge H. Sabine
8.History of Political TheoriesWilliam A. Dunning
9.Political Thought in Medieval IslamRosenthal
10.Modern Islamic StateRosenthal
11.Political Thought in PerspectiveWilliam Edenstein
12.Pattern of GovernmentSamuel H. Beer & Adam B. Ullam
13.Pakistan: A Political StudyKeith Callard
14.Politics, Parties and Pressure GroupsV.O. Key Jr.
15.Modern Political Systems: AsiaRoy, C. Macradis (ed)
16.Politics in Pakistan: Nature and Direction of ChangeKhalid Bin Sayeed
17.Reflection on GovernmentEarnest Barker
18.South-East Asia Political SystemLucian W. Pye
19.The Political System of PakistanKhalid Bin Sayeed
20.Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi, Published by Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, 1978Rizvi, S. Rizwan Ali
21.Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi (Urdu), Karachi University 1995Prof. Dr. Rizwan Ali Rizvi


Public Administration


Public Administration ( Total Marks - 100 )
  1. Public Administration -Its nature and scope, the role of Public Administration in a modern Welfare State.
  2. Major Schools of thought in Administration, Scientific Management Movement Human Relationalists; Behavioural School; Systemic theory.
  3. Bureaucracy,- Concept of Bureaucracy, Theories of Bureaucracy, Ecology of Bureaucracy; Bureaucracy of Pakistan as a Chang Agent.
  4. Administrative Leadership,- Approaches to the study of Leadership, Forms of Leadership, Leadership qualities.
  5. Administrative Accountability,- Internal and External Controls; Executive Control, Legislative Control, Judicial Control, Ombudsman, Public Opinion and Pressure Groups; Problems of Administrative, Accountability in Pakistan.
  6. Planning, -Types of Plans, Planning Process; Principles of Planning, Planning Machinery; the system of planning and programming in Pakistan, Planning Machinery in Pakistan.
  7. Organization, -Types of Organization. Theories of Organization, Principle of Organization, The Organization of Federal and Provincial Governments in Pakistan, Public Corporations in Pakistan.
  8. Personnel Administration,-Nature and scope of Personnel Administration; Personnel Functions. Tools of Personnel Management, Salient Features of the system of Public Personnel Management in Pakistan.
  9. Controlling and Co-ordination - Forms of Controls, Control Mechanism, the process of Control, Principles of Controlling: Principles of Coordination; Machinery for Coordination; Problems of Coordination in Public Administration in Pakistan.
  10. Communication, Types of Communication, Communication Channels, Communication Process, Principles of Communication.
  11. Financial Administration, - Elements of Financial Administration. Performance and programmed Budgeting. Capital Budget, Principles of Budgeting, Auditing and Accounting.
Suggested Readings
1.A Handbook of Public RelationsUnited Nations
2.An Introduction to the Public AdministrationE.N. Cladden
3.Administrative BehaviourHerbet, A. Simon
4.Bureaucracy: Modern SocietyPebr, M. Blau
5.Human Relations AdministrationRobert Dubir
6.An Introduction to the Study of Public AdministrationL.D. White
7.Public AdministrationSimon, Smithuburg & Thompson
8.Public AdministrationPfiffner and Presthus
9.Public Administration for a Welfare StatePaul Abbleby
10.Public Administration; Theory and PracticeFesler, James W.
11.Pakistan in Search of Democracy 1947-77Yusuf, Hamid
12.Pakistan: The Enigma of Political DevelopmentZiring, Lawrence
13.Research on the Bureaucracy of PakistanBraibanti, Ralph
14.The Human Side of EnterprizeDouglas Mc Gregor
15.The Bureaucracy of PakistanCharles F. Kennedy


Business Administration


Business Administration ( Total Marks - 100 )
Candidates will he asked to attempt total Five questions including one compulsory (objective type) question. They will attempt at least one question (out of two) from each part. Short note within the question (with-omit choice) can also he given.
Part I
  1. Nature And Scope of Management-Different Schools of thought.
  2. Planning - Planning process; Planning tools; Change Management.
  3. Organisation - Type of Organisation; Theory of Organisation; Group dynamics ; Staffing.
  4. Actuating-Leading; Approaches to Leadership-Coordinating: Communicating; Motivating.
  5. Controlling-Budgetary Control; Budgetary process.
Part II
Principles of Marketing
  1. An overview of Marketing.
  2. Marketing's Role in Society and inside a Firm.
  3. Environment of Marketing.
  4. Strategic Planning and Marketing.
  5. Marketing Mix i.e. Product, Pricing, Place (Distribution, Channels), Wholesaling, Retailing, Sales Promotion (Advertising, Public Relations).
  6. Global Marketing.
Part III
Financial Management
  1. Nature and Scope of Financial Management
  2. Interpretation of Financial Statement-Ratio analysis, Trend analysis-Common size analysis.
  3. Time Value of Money-Concept of TVM; Net Present Value; Pay Back period; Internal rate of return.
  4. Working Capital Management - Cash Management; Receivable Management; Inventory Management.
  5. Port Folio Management-Types of Investment; Financial Securities; Diversification of Risk.
  6. Accounting - Accounting Cycles, Preparation of Financial Statements; Balance Sheet, Income Statement.
Suggested Readings
1.ManagementRobins Stephen P.
2.The New ManagementRobert M. Fulmer
3.ManagementHorold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich
4.ManagementJames A. F. Stoner and Charles Wanke
5.ManagementArthur G. Bedeian
6.Marketing ManagementPhilip Kotler
7.Fundamentals of MarketingWilliam J. Stanton
8.MarketingJoel R. Evans
9.MarketingCourtland L. Bovee
10.Putting Total Quality Management at WorkMarshal Sashkin and Kenneth J. Kiser
11.Fundamentals of Financial ManagementVan Horn
12.Essentials of Managerial FinanceJ. Fred Weston, Eugene & Brigham
13.Financial ManagementGitt Man


Economics Syllabus


Economics ( Total Marks - 200 )
Paper I ( Marks-100 )
  1. Micro Economics
    Consumer behaviour. Determination of market demand and supply, theory of the Firm, Producer's equilibrium, Pricing of the factors of production.
  2. Macro Economics
    Basic Economic Concepts. National Income Accounting, Consumption Function and Multiplier, Determination of equilibrium level of income and output, Inflation.
  3. Money and Banking
    Functions of Money. Quantity Theory of Money, The Fisher and Cambridge Formulations. Systems of note issue, Credit Creation, Functions of Central Banks, Instruments of credit control, Theory of Liquidity Preference.
  4. Public Financing
    Government expenditure. Sources of Government Revenue, Types of taxes, Incidence of different taxes, Public Debt, Objectives, methods of repayment. Deficit financing.
  5. International Trade
    Theory of Comparative costs, Arguments for Protection, Balance of payments, International liquidity. International Money and Banking Institutions.
Paper II ( Marks-100 )
Pakistan's Economy
  1. Definition and measurement of Development. Characteristics of under development, Rethinking on the concept of Development Growth vs. Redistributive justice, Absolute and Relative Poverty, Basic Needs Approach.
  2. Planning Experience of Pakistan : A critical evaluation of the strategy of economic planning.
  3. Agricultural Development in Pakistan Changes in Agricultural Policies over plan periods, Major Monetary and Fiscal measures to promote Agricultural development, Green Revolution Strategy and its implications for growth and redistribution, Land Reforms and changes in the Tenure System l950-1980. Cooperative Farming.
  4. Industrial Development in Pakistan Early industrialisation strategy, Creation of Financial and Development Institutions, Major monetary and fiscal measures to promote industrial development. Changing role of public sector over the plan periods, Evaluation of Nationalisation Policy Concentration of industrial income and wealth.
  5. Role of Foreign Trade and Aid in economic development, Trends in Pakistan's Balance of Payments, Changes in direction of trade, Trends in Pakistan's major exports and imports, Causes of significant changes in the trends, the role of migration and remittances in Pakistan's economy, costs and benefits of Foreign Aid.
  6. Privatization, denational isation And deregulation, conceptual and operational aspects, International comparisons.
Suggested Readings
1.A Text-book of Economic TheoryStonier & Hague
2.Economic Development in the Third WorldTodaro, M.P.
3.Under Development and Agrarian Structure in PakistanKhan, Mahmood Hassan
4.Economic of IslamAhmed, S.M.
5.EconomicsPaul, A. Samuelson
6.Factors in Economic DevelopmentCairncross, A.K.
7.Foreign Aid Theory and Practice in Southern AsiaWolf, Jr. DC
8.Government Finance - An Economic AnalysisDue John, F.
9.Introduction to Internation EconomicsSnider, D.A.
10.Microeconomic TheoryFerguson, C.E. & Gould J.P.
11.Modern MicroeconomicsKoutsoyiannis, A.
12.MicroeconomicsRudigar Dorubush & Stanley Fisher
13.Population ProblemsTheomson & Lewis
14.Studies in Economic Development with Special reference to PakistanGouse, A.
15.The General Theory of Employment, Interest and MoneyKeynes, J.M.
16.The Economics of Developing CountriesHynit, H.
Note: The candidates should be familiar with Pakistan Economic Survey, Government of Pakistan, Five Year Plans, Government of Pakistan World Development Reports.


Imran Khan Message For Pakistan Cricket Team In World Cup 2011.

Pakistan will Win the World Cup, Waqar Younas and Shahid Afridi asking for prayers

Accounting & Auditing Syllabus

Accountancy and Auditing ( Total Marks - 200 )
PAPER I (Marks-100)
Principles of Accounting and their applications to all types of Business Organizations Banking, Insurance, Investment, Trading and Industrial Concerns, Accounting for non-profit Organisations. Work-sheet. Financial statements, Financial Reporting, Financial Analysis and Budgeting, Depreciation, Partnership.
Note-Accounting for Executors, Trustees of Deceased Persons, Liquidators, Receivers, Official Agencies, Assignees etc. and Accounting for Multinational Corporation will not be included.
PAPER II (Marks-100)
  1. Cost Accounting
    Principles of Cost Accounting, Relationship of Cost Accounting to Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting as a tool of management-use of Cost information, Cost flow, Cost elements, Costs classification. Process Cost and job-order Cost Accounting, Costing for Joint and by-Products. Standard Cost Accounting, reconciliation of Financial Accounts with Cost Accounts.
  2. Auditing
    Principles of Auditing, The Accounting System, Its importance to lndependent Audit, Internal Control, Internal Audit. Rights and Duties of Auditors. Professional Liabilities of an Auditor. Application of Auditing Principles and Techniques to all Types of Trading, Commercial. Industrial, Banking, Insurance and Investment under-takings, Audit programme. Special Audit Investigation of actual or suspected Frauds, Limitations of Audit, Audit Report, Certificates and Opinion as required under Companies Act, Securities Exchange Authority Rules. Auditing and EDP Systems.
  3. Income Tax
    Principles for Computing total income and total world income for purposes of Income Tax, Self Assessment. Specialised knowledge of Income Tax will not be expected. Candidates will be required to have a sound grasp of the provisions of Section 10 of the Income Tax Act and a working knowledge-only of Sections 9(1), 15, 16(1), 17(1) 19(1), (2), (a), 30(1) & (2). 31(1) 11 No. Schedule (Item No. 66 & 71 to 75) 39(1) & (a) 49, 69(4) 12(II), 1st Schedule 53(1), 55(1), 56, 61, 59(1), 60, 62, 68. 12(2) and the connected rules of the Income Tax Ordinance 1979 as amended todate.
  4. Business Organization and Finance
    Nature and Scope of Business Organization, Forms of Business Organization-Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Stock Company, Cooperative Society, Company Promotion and Management, Insurance, business Combinations, Principles of Business Finance, Short Term, Intermediate Term and Long Term financing, expansion and contraction, Ratio analysis-Sources and flow, statement, Role of Financial Institutions.
Suggested Readings
1.AccountancyPickles, W.
2.Advanced Accounting Vol. I & IIMuin-ud-Din
3.Book Keeping and AccountsBig, W.S.
4.Principles and Practice of Book Keeping and AccountsVickery, B.G.
5.Cost Accounting, Planning and ControlMatz and Usry
6.Cost AccountingNisar-ud-Din
7.Cost AccountingS. Qavi Ahmed
8.AuditingDicksee, L.R.
9.Companies Act 1984
10.Practical AuditingSpiecer and Pegler
11.Principles and Procedure of AuditingKh. Amjad Saeed
12.Income Tax Ordinance 1979 (amended to date)
13.Income Tax Law (Latest edition)Kh. Amjad Saeed
14.Business OrganizationNisar-ud-Din
15.Principles and Practice of CommerceStephenson
16.Basic Business FinanceHunt, Williams and Donaldson
17.Income Tax Law Vol. I & II (Latest edition)Luqman Baig


Friday, March 27, 2009

Pakistan Affairs Syllabus


Pakistan Affairs Compulsory ( Total Marks - 100 )
  1. Evolution and growth of Muslim Society in the Sub-continent.
  2. Ideology of Pakistan-Definition and Elucidation. Historical aspects Muslim rule in the sub-continent, its downfall and efforts of Renaissance. Movements for reforms-Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi, Shah Waliullah, Aligarh, Deoband, Na&wah, Anjarnun Hamiat-e-Islam and other Educational Institutions- Sind Madressah and Islamia College Peshawar. Ideology of Pakistan in the lights of speeches and sayings of Allama Iqhal and Quaid-i-Azam
  3. Pakistan Movement-Historical developments, important event. role of various individuals, communities and groups.
  4. Political Developments in Pakistan since 1947 and efforts for pro mulgation of Islamic system.
  5. Land and People of Pakistan-Geography. Society. Natural resources. Agriculture, Industry, Education with reference to characteris tics, trends and problems.
Suggested Readings
1.Ideological Orientations of PakistanAl Mujahid, Sharif
2.Letters of Iqbal to JinnahIqbal, Mohammad
3.Muslim Separatism in India and PakistanHamid, Abdul
4.Modern Muslim India and the birth of PakistanIkram, S. M.
5.Quaid-i-Azam and PakistanDani, Ahmed Hassan
6.Struggle for PakistanQureshi, I. H.
7.The case for PakistanRafiq, Afzal M.
8.The Making of PakistanAziz, K. K.
9.The Muslim Community of the Indo-Pakistan Sub-continentQureshi, I. H.
10.The Emergence of PakistanMohammad Ali Ch.
11.Towards PakistanWaheed-uz-Zaman
12.Pakistan A study of Political Development 1947-97Hamid Yusuf
13.Ulema in PoliticsQureshi, I. H.
14.World Scholars on Quaid-i-AzamDani, Ahmed Hassan



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