Saturday, March 28, 2009

Socialogy Syllabus


Sociology ( Total Marks - 100 )
  1. Individual, Culture and Society : Individual as a social product. The variety of social forms. Methods of socialization, Ethnocentricism, Norms and Values, Cultural Patterns, Varieties of sub-cultures.
  2. Sociological Theory : The sociological perspectives- Evolutionary, order and conflict, Evolutionary Theorists : Ibn-i-Khaldun Spencer and Tannis, Order Theorists: August Comte, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Conflict Theorists : George Hegel. Karl Mars. Lewis Coser, Mills.
  3. Methods of Sociological Research: Research Design, Surveys, Participant Observation. Experiments, Case Studies.
  4. Social Interaction : Significance of social classes. Forms of social classes-Tribes. Biradaris, Castes, Classes and Feudal system in Pakistan. Social Mobility-nature of social mobility. Mobility determinants in Pakistan society, Social immobility. Culture in poverty.
  5. Social Control: Mechanisms of social control-internal and external means of social control. Alienation, Integration-integrative pat terns in Pakistani Society.
  6. Social and Cultural Change and Social Policy Processes of Social and Cultural Change-discovery, invention, diffusion. Factors in the rate of social and culture change, Incentives and inhibitions to social and cultural change in Pakistan Social planning and directed social and cultural change.
  7. Community: The rural community, Traditional Characteristics of rural life, The urban community. Rural-Urban convergence, Urbanism, Future of cities in Pakistan.
  8. Social Institutions: The nature and genesis of institutions, the process of institutions, Functions and Trade of Social Institutions, Family, Religion, Educational, Economic and Political Institutions.
  9. Social Problems in Pakistan: Population Growth. Demographic Transition: Deviant Behaviour, Institutionalised evasions, social conflicts, internal and international Migration, Aging, Drug abuse, Prostitution. Smuggling, Illiteracy and Poverty.
Suggested Readings
1.Anthropology: The Study of ManAdamson Hoebel, E.
2.Pakistani SocietyAkbar Ahmed, S.
3.Contemporary Social ProblemsRobert K. Merton
4.Contemporary Sociological TheoriesPitrim Sorokin
5.Family in AsiaMan Singh Das & Pahos D. Bardis
6.Ibn-i-Khaldun: His Life and WorksM. Abdullah Enan
7.Master of Sociological ThoughtLewis A. Coser
8.Master of Sociological ThoughtM. Iqbal Chaudhry
9.SociologyOgburn & Nimkoff
10.Strategies in Social ResearchSmith, H.W.
11.Sociology; Role & RelationshipSmith, H.W.
12.Social ProblemsJon. M. Shepard & Voss
13.Social ProblemsRobert Nisbet
14.Feudal System in PakistanNawab Haider Naqvi
15.The Sociology of Rural LifeLynn Smith, T.
16.The Sociology of Social ProblemsHorton & Leslie
17.The Sociology of ReligionMax Weber



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