Saturday, March 28, 2009

Forestry Syllabus


Forestry ( Total Marks - 100 )
  • Ecology and Gcneral Silvicullure.
  • Forest Statistics, Mensuration and Research Methods.
  • Forest Management and Economics.
  • Water Shed Management.
  • Range Management
  • Forests surveying and Engineering.
  • Forest Policy, Law and Protection.
  • Forest Biology, Wildlife and Natural Park Management.
Suggested Readings
1.Manual of Silviculture for PakistanChampion. Seth & Khattak, G.M.
2.Forest Types of PakistanChampion. Seth & Khattak, G.M.
3.Principles of SilvicultureDaniel. T.W. Helms & Baker
4.Plant & EnvironmentDaubenmire, R.
5.Elementary Forest MensurationJerram. M.R.K.
6.Natural Resources MeasurementAvery. T.E.
7.Forest ManagementKhattak. G.M.
8.Fundamental of Forestry EconomicsDuerr. WA.
9.Surveying and LevellingKanetkar, T.P. and Kulkarni
10.Rasul Manual for Subordinate Engineers, Surveying Part-IAnon
11.Material of ConstructionSyed. Z.H,
12.Forest Engineering (Roads & Bridges)Hanison. J. L.
13.The Pakistan Forest Act, 1927 
14.Principles of Forest PolicyWorrell
15.Forest ProtectionHawley & Stickle
16.Forests & Forestry in PakistanSheikh, M. I. & Hafeez. M.
17.Range ManagementStoodart. Smith and Box
18.Vegetation & Watershed ManagementColinan. E.A.



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