Thursday, April 2, 2009

English Literature Syllabus


English Literature ( Total Marks - 200 )
Paper - I (Marks 100)
Detailed study of a literary age (19th century)
The paper will cover the study of English Literature from 1798 to 1900 with special reference to the works of W. Blake, Wordsworth, Shelly, Keats, Byron, Charles Lamb, Dickens, Tennyson, Robert Browning, Hardy, George Eliot, J.S. Mill, Ruskin and Oscar Wilde.
Evidence of first hand eading will be required. The paper will be designed to test not only the candidate's knowledge of the prescribed authors works but also their understanding of the main literary trends during the period. Questions having a bearing on the social and cultural background of the Period also be included.
Paper - II (Marks 100)
The paper will require first hand knowledge of the text prescribed as well as general awareness of the authors major works, and will be desigmed to test the candidates critical ability.
2.SwiftGullivers Travels
3.Jane AustenPride and Prejudice
5.YeatsThe Second Coming, Sailing to Byzanthium, Among School children
6.T. S. EliotThe Waste Land
7.D. H. LawrenceSons & Lovers
8.Earnest HamingwayOld Man & The Sea
9.Samuel BacketWaiting for Godot
10.Robert FrostThe Pasture, Revelation, The Tuft of Flowers, After Apple Picking, Mending Wall, The Road Not Taken, An Old Man's Winter Night, Birches, Fire and Ice, Stopping by Woods, West running brook, Desert Places
Suggested Readings
1.After Strange GodsEliot T. S.
2.A Guide to English LiteratureFord, B. Pelican series 7 Vols.
3.Common PursuitLeavis F. R.
4.D. H. LawrenceLeavis F. R.
5.Dickens, the NovelistLeavis F. R.
6.Gulliver and the Gentle ReaderRowson, C.J.
7.George Eliot: The Critical HeritageCarol D. (ed)
8.History of English LiteratureLegouis and Cazamian
9.History of English LiteratureHudson
10.Hardy, The NovelistCecil, D.
11.Hardy; The Critical HeritageCox, R.G. (ed)
12.In Memorium in Essay Ancient and ModernEliot, T.S.
13.LawrenceKermode, F.
14.Romantic PoetryAbrahams, M.H.
15.Robert BrowningAmstrange, J. (ed)
16.SwiftSteel, P. Preacher and Jester
17.Shakespeare's Later Comedies; An anthology of Modern CriticismPalmer, D.J. (ed)
18.The World of SwiftVickers, B. (ed)
19.The Art of SwiftProbyn, C.T.
20.The Dark Sun, a study of LawrenceHough, Graham
21.The Love Ethics of LawrenceSilk, M.
22.The Lonely Tower Studies in the Poetry of YeatsHenna, T.R.
23.The Last RomanticsHough, G.
24.The Wheel of FireKnight, G. Willson
25.The 19th Century BackgroundBasil Willey
26.The Great TraditionLeavis, F.R
27.The Odes of KeatsHolloway, T. Camb
28.TennysonRicks, C.
29.Tennyson: The Critical HeritageJump, J.D.
30.The Poetry of BrowningDrew, P.
31.Use of Poetry and Use of CriticismEliot, T.S.
32.20th Century ViewsAbrahams, M.H.
33The Romantics ImageKermode, F.



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