Persian ( Total Marks - 200 )
The aims of the syllabus in Persian arc as follows
1. (a) Origin and development of the language.
PAPER - II (Marks- 100)
The paper will require firsthand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the candidate's critical ability.
(a) Texts
Persian ( Total Marks - 200 )
The aims of the syllabus in Persian arc as follows
- To acquaint the students with classical and modern Persian
- To familiarise them with such selection of Persian texts including those from Iqbal, which have a value in practical life.
1. (a) Origin and development of the language.
- Elementary information about: Avesta, Old Persian and Pahlavi languages.
- The advent of Persian prose and poetry in the present script in the Islamic era.
- The earlier Persian prose writers and poets upto 4th century H/10th century A.C.
- The three tenses, imperative modd (Affirmative and Negative) and muzara for present and future tenses.
- Translation of simple English passage into Persian.
- The literary history should include the development of Persian language and literature, besides Iran in Afghanistan, the Indo-Pakistan Sub-Continent and the Persian speaking areas of the Former USSR.
- In classical background. the four styles known as Khurasani, Iraqi. Hindi and Revivalist may be studied.
- In the literary movements the revivalist and purist movements, and in the modern trends, the adaptation of Western loan words in Persian language needs to be emphasised
PAPER - II (Marks- 100)
The paper will require firsthand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the candidate's critical ability.
(a) Texts
- Farrukhi Seestani. (Qasida on the conquest of Soomnath)
- Unsar-ul-Maali Qabus (Qabus Nama) Last Chapter 44
- Rumi Masnavi: Daftar (1st half upto Dastan-e- Peer Changi.)
- Saadi Gulistan: Chapter 7 & 8.
- Hafiz Diwan upto radif Rkhan
- Iqbal
- Asrar-i-Khudi upto Murhilah-e-Siwum Niahat-e-IIahi.
- Javid Nama (Last Chapter) Address to Javid (Dialogue with the new generation).