Thursday, April 2, 2009

Philosophy Syllabus


Philosophy ( Total Marks - 200 )
PAPER - I (Marks - 100)
  • Formal and informal arguments: Elements of deductive reasoning; validity and truth: Proposition and syllogism.
  • Definition with special reference to Aristotle, Ibn-e-Taimya's Criticism of Aristotle; Relativity of definition: Ambiguity; vagueness and emotive use of language as impediments in clear thinking: Fallacies - formal, material and linguistic.
  • Symbolic Logic: value of special symbols, symbols for conjunction, Negation, Disjunction and Implication, Method of Deduction: Formal proofs of validity, Rules of Replacement.
  • The nature of scientific theory: Scientific method; Inquiry at common sense level and scientific level; Scientific explanation; The grounds of belief: induction, probability and functional analysis.
  • Muslim contribution to Logic - inductive and deductive
PAPER - II (Marks -100)
  • Idealism, Pragmatism, Vitalism Logical Positivism, Existentialism and Dialectical Materialism: The main arguments of these Philosophical theories and their impact on life and morals.
  • Muslim Rationalists and Social Thinkers-Al-Farabi, Ibn-i-Sina, Ibn-i-Rushd, and Ibn-i-Khaldun: their main doctrines.
  • Schools of Muslim Theology - Mutazilism, Ash' arism, Sufism Al-Ghazali (his Ethics and Criticism of Muslim Rationalists)
  • Muslim thought in South Asia with special reference to Shah Wali Ullah. Sayyid hmad Khan and Iqbal and Post-Iqbalian Thought.
Suggested Readings
1.A Modern Introduction to MetaphysicsDrenon D.A.
2.A History of Philosophical SystemsFirm, Vergilius
3.Aqliyyat-e-Ibn-e-Taimya (Urdu)Maulana Muhammad Hanif Nadvi
4.A Modern Introduction to LogicStebbing, L.S.
5.Critical ThinkingBlank, Max
6.History of Muslim Philosophy Vol. I & IISharif, M.M
7.History of Modern PhilosophyWright, W.K.
8.Human Knowledge, Its Scope and LimitsRussel, B.
9.History of Islamic PhilosophyFakhri, Majid
10.Introduction to PhilosophyPatrick G.T.W.
11.Iqbal and Post-Kantian VoluntarismDar, B.A.
12.Introduction to LogicCopi, I.M.
13.Logic PostivismQadir, C.A.
14.Philosophical AnalysisUrmson, J.O.
15.Reconstructon of Religious Thought in IslamIqbal, M.
16.Types and Problems of PholosophyMead, H.
17.Types of PhilosophyMocking, W.E.



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